1930s Cybis Garden Sculpture in Poland

1930s Cybis Garden Sculpture in Poland

In 1927, two years after Boleslaw and Marja Cybis married, the couple began to construct a home and studio in Placówka, near Warsaw and the Vistula River.  Boleslaw Cybis knew this area from his time in the nearby Kazimierz Dolny in 1924. Some of the art in Cybis Drawings from the 1920s dates from that [...]

Cybis Artist Profile: Dolores Valenza

Cybis Artist Profile: Dolores Valenza

Although freelance artist Dolores Valenza was a relative latecomer to porcelain sculpture, she first began creating art as a very young child. She credited her numerous visits to The Brooklyn Museum as being one of her earliest influences and was especially drawn to the work of the Impressionists. Later she attended the Pratt Institute which [...]

When a New Cybis was Truly New

This post falls into the morbid-curiosity category, inspired by the flood of Cybis porcelain ‘variations’ and ‘resurrections’ that began during the 1980s and rapidly gathered steam through the next two decades. So, how should we define a 'new, original' Cybis design? A decorative variation is NOT a new design! Sticking a bowtie and two tiny [...]

A Bevy of Cybis for Bibliophiles

A Bevy of Cybis for Bibliophiles

Are you a book-lover? I’ve been one all my life, although my home library has had to be pared down to only 281 (as of today; I have a few more on pre-publication order) due to limited space, and I’ve no desire to join the digital-book brigade. For several reasons, e-books simply aren’t for me. [...]

Cybis Artist Profile: Patricia Jean Eakin

Cybis Artist Profile: Patricia Jean Eakin

Collectors of art porcelain may not have known Patricia Eakin’s name, but they were undoubtedly familiar with her work. She was yet another of the unsung heroes of the industry. Patricia Jean Eakin was born on October 25, 1914 in Virginia. She had an older sister, Kathleen, and would have a younger brother, Birch, after [...]